
Welcome to my point of view! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The following questions are answered in accordance to "The Science of Shopping" by Malcolm Gladwell.

  1. What points from this article do you feel are most important?

    To start with, I was quite fascinated that there is actually a job that observes and keeps data on people shopping. This is a significant point also. The shops are doing their best to make us buy stuff. Like advertising tricks, the way a shop is built and decorated has an effect on how people shop. We should be like "Fulfilleds" and be aware of the trick being played on us. They want us to buy, and do everything they can to accomplish this. I believe, a costumer needs to be aware of this before buying and always ask himself "Do I really need to buy this?". I also found it interesting and important to know how many details there are that affect shopping, for instance; "a women's product that requires extensive examination should never be placed in a narrow aisle". It is very interesting that how detailed and how subtle but effective design can be. It is also important that men and women are and should be addressed differently. Over years of observation, there were a few interesting points that are akin to Paco's observations that I have discovered. In Turkey, almost all clothing shops have the women's wear in the first floor — if the shop is more than one story — or out in the front of the shop — if the shop is a single floor. Especially the shops in downtown. I had believed that it was because mostly women would wander around downtown and the displayed clothing was to draw their attention. It is not very often that a men would see a store display and be attracted and say "oh, I should check that out". It is also because men are mostly busy when they walk downtown. Men mostly shop after going out with the purpose of shopping. Of course there are retail stores that displays men wear, but less in number. Another good point in the article is that how alike clothing like socks and shoes should be arranged to be near one another in the store. This way, when one buys a shoe, one is reminded that one needs socks to go along with a shoe also.
  2. How much do you personally feel you are influenced by a store's design?

    I believe I am not influenced much by a store's design, because I mostly go shopping with the purpose of shopping. I buy what I need most of the time. However, the arrangement of alike items put together might be affecting me. Sometimes I buy a t-shirt and see a jacket that will go with it and I am attracted to the jacked. I am not saying I just buy it, but it is true that I am attracted. And mostly my mother does my shopping, she has good taste.
  3. Make a check list you could use to analyze a retail store like Paco Underhill does.

    I believe every point Paco has makes sense. My top points on my list would be that arrangement of alike clothing together and the separation of clothing of different genders.

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